Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm In A Magazine!

Someone wrote my name all over the men's bathroom in Kreuzberg. Yay?

Swap! Magazine interviewed me...well Dan did and he writes for Swap! so yeah....COOL! Dan, you're awesome and you're doing a radio show with me. The show is every Wed 2pm-4pm. LISTEN!


  1. Haha, I wrote your name all over the Kreuzberg bathroom a couple months ago. I had no idea it was still up.

  2. When I mentioned it, everyone said that it was probably you.

  3. Who's "everyone?"

  4. You know, Everyone. He's this really tall Albanian fellow that lives in AG. Really nice guy, but weird name.

  5. Those fucking Albanians with their weird names and shit, coming to our country to turn our phone books into joke books...

  6. That's why I like Albanians though, along with their rich culture and passion for life. I say that about everyone though.
