Friday, May 18, 2012

Lawrence Arabia - Auckland CBD Part Two

I think I would have liked this song if it wasn't for this piece of shit hipster music video. I know it's hard not being in a Wes Anderson film, but get over it and stop reading Sartre in public, I know you're better than me, you have a beard (by better I mean more dickish and smug than me). No gives a shit about your American Apparel playboy man baby house/pent pad (Maxi pads for the pin girl). I don't care your in a salon the last I have had someone shampoo my hair for me was in rehab when I was foaming at the mouth on opiates and it wasn't that nice. Cool, your rich and I'm living on food stamps. Don't expect me to care. Especially that your ignoring your kids because Angry Birds is that cool to you and you can't relate to people that don't party in a conservative manner on yachts. I'm done.