If only he had a pocket for his superior intelect that reins over mortal men. Unfortunately they don't make a pocket to fit that much narcissim yet.

I think I'm going to try to save up for a Klondike Bar instead. No you can't have any.

Bob Dylan is very staunchly pro-KCPR. That's not going to go well at any anti KCPR protest rallies. You know how to be political Bob.

Leonard Cohen thinks about us while looking sternly in a mirror.

The Smiths love girls who work at KCPR

I found these in the station. Pretty rad! Guess which ones I made. My friend Scott can't deny these pictures taken from Natalie Dee and pasted into paint to make it look like him. That's fucking right, I made it look exactly like him. The likeness and similarities are haunting.
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