"Seriously, this guy's boyle just popped and oozed this white puss. Can I get sour cream for my tortilla?"
This is where she yells at me for not being lady like.
There's a lot of really tragic and interesting cases of man. There's Harliquin babies, Treacher-Collins, Hemangioma, Sturge-Weber, and a bunch more. I'll probably think of more and bring them up later. I recommend everyone read about this stuff, it's really interesting, and some of the kids afflicted with these diseases are so sweet. I really like Juliana Wetmore, she has the most extreame case of Treacher-Collins, and she's very sweet.
There are also the Chernobyl babies that were born without limbs. Babies are still being born without limbs because of the Chernobyl disaster, even after all these years. Then there's the Thalidomide babies. Mothers that took the sedative Thalidomide had babies that were born with some sort of genetic mutation. It is known as one of the biggest medical tragedies in American history.
This also reminds me of Frankie, the house cat of The Lodge. Frankie only has half a tail because she was a malnourished kitten.
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