So it's totally lame balls not having a show, and I've been too lazy to put up any set lists I have. BE PATIENT!
I went to Big Sur and met Al Jardine of The Beach Boys over the weekend. I saw him perform at the Henry Miller library. My friend and fellow DJ, Cushing, bought me John Lennon: The Life there as well. I'm super excited. Happy birthday John!
I was also able to meet Magnus, who's in charge of the library. He's probably the coolest guy in California and had a great story about hanging out with Arcade Fire (so jealous). I'm even more jealous that Scott (resident asshole and patron on this here blog) got a change to hang out with Arcade Fire and didn't go. I'm compelled to tell eveyone I know to go up to Scott and tell him that his beard is stupid, but that would be a dirty lie. God damn you and your awesome ginger beard!
I have to add that I appreciate all the positive feedback from everyone. I'm glad people miss my show.
COMMENT DAMN IT! You have no idea how much of a hermit I've become. Sunlight burns my eyes.
I was not aware this armless Devo sweater dress was sheer. I'm so glad that I was wearing a tank top and shorts underneath. YAY for it being cold when I went out that night!
P.S. I love Paul Williams! If only all men were 5 feet tall, adorable, made #1 hits, and are involved with things that are strictly awesome!
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