Monday, September 13, 2010

Honorable Mention

Apparently people like me, they really really like me. Take that Sally Field. Some lady interviewed someone at KCPR and I was mentioned on her blog. Fuckin' sweet!

I have some cool fans. One named his guitar after me, his name is Nik, and I had him on my show. He claims to be my #1 fan. There's also this guy who named his cat after me and he calls in to all my shows. He may actually be my #1 fan. Then there's Greg who calls in a lot. Johnny Lurg is also a big self proclaimed fan, but I don't know if that counts since I have known him since we were 12. The Disgusting Old Hippie at KCPR is very fond of my show, as well as music journalist/authors, Ken and Harvey Kuberbick, Tee from the band 'The More The Merrier' (I do stuff for her band), musician, Ricky Diaz (I do stuff for him too), and all my friends like me too! I don't know why, but isn't that grand?
Amoung other notible fans are a guy in jail that wrote me a long letter telling me how much he loves me and another fan in jail that said when he gets out he wants to visit me. He also said he wants to dress me up as a girl scout, wrap me in cellophane, then eat me alive. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
I am also supposed to say I love Neal from San Luis Art Supply and his band 'When Animals Attack'. Neal is cool and I do stuff for his band, so if I don't say this he will crawl through my window at night and smother me. It helps that I don't have to lie and I have a strong feelings towards not dying.
I was also engaged to Ricky Diaz for a while. We were going to get married while my best friend Blanca was in town in order for her to be the maid of honor. We also wanted to get married on my radio show, then renew the vows immediately after at The Lodge during the 'When Animals Attack' show. I was going to wear my cellophane dress I made with face paint and he was going to wear a brown suede vest with yellow short shorts from some track team in the 70s. We were to be wed under The Church of Discordia and The Church of SubGenius. The date was going to be pushed back until I spontaneously called it off. It was a publicity stunt and we thought it'd be good because we're both crazy. I tried to have a follow up by doing the whole thing with my friend Michael, but that wouldn't work. Many others have volunteered, but I don't feel it's right. One day I will have the perfect staged meaningless wedding that every girl dreams of.
I made Biba Pickles shirts! Contact me if you want one. They're going fast.
I wish I had more eventful things to talk about. In the mean time look my favorite transgender icons.
Nina Flowers - 2 photos
Amanda Lepore
Ongina - 2 photos
Lady Bunny
Divine and The Cockettes

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