Friday, June 11, 2010


I haven't blogged in a while because I've been busy with managing bands, so thank you guys for letting do that for you. I'm going to thank everyone right now for everything. Thanks for letting me draw something for you band shirt design Tee! Thank you Cushing (disgusting old hippie) for promoting me stuff on air, letting me sub in for your show, Miles Ahead (every Thur 8-10pm), and for being cool! Cushing's show was fun, but those were some big boots to fill in to since his show is well known. Thank you Valanche for the DJ lessons and for letting me sub in for his show, Urban Landscapes (every Thur 10pm-1am)! I know Valanche is picky on who does his show, and it's an honor that he chose me to do it since that is also a very well known show. Thank you to Neal (Evan White) for letting me fill in for Soul Patrol (every Tue 6-8pm). Neal has been at the station for over 20 years and it's an honor that he let me do his show. Thank you to my fans, especially the guy who named his cat after me! I would like to thank the prisoner that sent and fan letter to the station and talked highly of me! I would also like to thank the people that edited KCPR's wikipedia to put me under a new section for notable DJs and for putting my blog on the page too! It really caught on, there are more DJs under there now. I put a few in myself.

MOST IMPORTANTLY! Since I'm having a party to make thank you cards for all the businesses that helped donate to KCPR's pledge drive, I should thank them. Thank you businesses. Also, my friend Wayne recently moved, so I'm not going to be able to give him his thank you card. He used to work at The Palm Theatre and we're going to make cards for everyone because The Palm donated some passes and a magnet... but Wayne moved, so I'm going to say thank you right here, right now, on this blog, to Wayne. WAH! COME BACK! Do my show with me as DJ Penkles!

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