Monday, December 27, 2010

I Make Dresses For The Future - Christmas Edition

Megan is smiling because she knows I'm going to flash my armpit hair in public.

I look like some sort of flashy gaudy dictator, and Megan is my follower. Why does it look like I have a black eye on my right eye?

I was the official Christmas Tree of Neal's Christmas Party. 'The Black Heartthrobs' played and I just stood on stage and pretended to be a tree. I DIDN'T FUCKING MOVE!!!

That's right, read the tag.

I'm so festive!!!

I totally look like a Christmas tree. I have to say I feel accomplished because I walked into Wells Fargo that day like this. The teller was confused why a tree would need to wire money to the east coast.

I'm actually just a Ficus Tree from Jersey.

My muff isn't garbage, it's pinecones.

Now settle your gifts near me so they'll stay warm. Children all over the world will open their gifts to realize they smell like a size 4 and a half modest shoe.

This picture is pretty much what I feel a Christmas Tree portrayed by me embodies. Terror amoung the little ones.

I don't think I'm a welcoming Christmas Tree with this "Fuck Off!" tag on.

It looks like I have a black eye on my left eye now! Need more sleep!

I've been looking like Tiny Tim a lot lately. If Tiny Tim looks like The Penguin, and I look like Tiny Tim, does that mean I also look like The Penguin. This will be on the SATs.

I learned this sweet Crane Style from 'Enter The Dragon'.

I'm nothing but a show pony.

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